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Welcome to the porter-kustomize mixin

What is porter-kustomize?

Let's start with what is


Porter Logo A Friendly Cloud Installer for Cloud Native Application Bundles

When we deploy to the cloud, most of us aren’t dealing with just a single cloud provider or toolchain. The simplest of applications today need a load balancer, SSL certificate, persistent file storage, DNS, and somewhere in there is your application. One app is installed with Helm, another with the cloud provider’s cli and it is all glued together with magic bash scripts.

That is a lot to figure out! 😅

Porter is a cloud installer based on the Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) spec that helps you manage everything together in a single bundle, focusing on what you know best: your application.

Porter ships with a number of builtin plugins known as mixins that facilitate deployments of CNAB bundles.


You should read and undertsand the documentation on the website and GitHub repo along with the CNAB Website and CNAB reference documentation to fully understand the necessary concepts.

What is Kustomize?



Kubernetes Native Configuration Management

Kustomize introduces a template-free way to customize application configuration that simplifies the use of off-the-shelf applications.

So to what is porter-kustomize?

The porter-kustomize mixin helps extend in order to support which provides Kubernetes Native Configuration Management from porter.